== sanity-quota test 68: slave number in quota pool changed after each add/remove OST ========================================================== 09:56:50 (1713535010) Waiting for MDT destroys to complete Creating test directory fail_val=0 fail_loc=0 nr result 4 Creating new pool oleg257-server: Pool lustre.qpool1 created Adding targets to pool oleg257-server: OST lustre-OST0001_UUID added to pool lustre.qpool1 Adding targets to pool oleg257-server: pool_add: lustre-OST0001_UUID is already in pool lustre.qpool1 pdsh@oleg257-client: oleg257-server: ssh exited with exit code 17 Waiting 90s for 'lustre-OST0000_UUID lustre-OST0001_UUID ' Removing lustre-OST0000_UUID from qpool1 oleg257-server: OST lustre-OST0000_UUID removed from pool lustre.qpool1 pdsh@oleg257-client: oleg257-server: ssh exited with exit code 1 pdsh@oleg257-client: oleg257-server: ssh exited with exit code 1 Removing lustre-OST0001_UUID from qpool1 oleg257-server: OST lustre-OST0001_UUID removed from pool lustre.qpool1 pdsh@oleg257-client: oleg257-server: ssh exited with exit code 1 pdsh@oleg257-client: oleg257-server: ssh exited with exit code 1 Destroy the created pools: qpool1 lustre.qpool1 oleg257-server: Pool lustre.qpool1 destroyed Delete files... Wait for unlink objects finished... Waiting for MDT destroys to complete