== replay-single test 33a: fid seq shouldn't be reused after abort recovery ========================================================== 09:08:19 (1713532099) total: 10 open/close in 0.07 seconds: 136.55 ops/second Replay barrier on lustre-MDT0000 Stopping /mnt/lustre-mds1 (opts:) on oleg119-server Failover mds1 to oleg119-server Starting mds1: -o localrecov -o abort_recovery lustre-mdt1/mdt1 /mnt/lustre-mds1 oleg119-server: oleg119-server.virtnet: executing set_default_debug vfstrace rpctrace dlmtrace neterror ha config ioctl super lfsck all pdsh@oleg119-client: oleg119-server: ssh exited with exit code 1 Started lustre-MDT0000 oleg119-client: error: invalid path '/mnt/lustre': Input/output error pdsh@oleg119-client: oleg119-client: ssh exited with exit code 5 first stat failed: 5 total: 10 open/close in 0.08 seconds: 131.98 ops/second