***** Start 29 MKDIR (2) [0x200000402:0xf:0x0] [0x200000007:0x1:0x0] root-dir ***** dest = root-dir; savedpath = root-dir mkfile(2) /tmp/target/root-dir Syncing data and attributes [0x200000402:0xf:0x0] llistxattr(/mnt/lustre/.lustre/fid/[0x200000402:0xf:0x0],(nil)) returned 57, errno=0 llistxattr /mnt/lustre/.lustre/fid/[0x200000402:0xf:0x0] returned 46, errno=0 (trusted.link,33897504) rc=0x32 lsetxattr(), rc=0, errno=0 (user.job,33897504) rc=0x5 lsetxattr(), rc=-1, errno=95 (trusted.dmv,33897504) rc=0x30 lsetxattr(), rc=0, errno=95 (trusted.lma,33897504) rc=0x18 lsetxattr(), rc=0, errno=95 setxattr: /mnt/lustre/.lustre/fid/[0x200000402:0xf:0x0] /tmp/target/root-dir ##### End 29 MKDIR (2) [0x200000402:0xf:0x0] [0x200000007:0x1:0x0] root-dir rc=0 ##### ***** Start 30 CREAT (1) [0x200000402:0x10:0x0] [0x200000007:0x1:0x0] root-file ***** dest = root-file; savedpath = root-file mkfile(1) /tmp/target/root-file Syncing data and attributes [0x200000402:0x10:0x0] llistxattr(/mnt/lustre/.lustre/fid/[0x200000402:0x10:0x0],0x2052c10) returned 57, errno=0 (trusted.link,33897504) rc=0x33 lsetxattr(), rc=0, errno=0 (user.job,33897504) rc=0x7 lsetxattr(), rc=-1, errno=95 (trusted.lov,33897504) rc=0x38 lsetxattr(), rc=0, errno=95 (trusted.lma,33897504) rc=0x18 lsetxattr(), rc=0, errno=95 (lustre.lov,33897504) rc=0x38 lsetxattr(), rc=-1, errno=95 setxattr: /mnt/lustre/.lustre/fid/[0x200000402:0x10:0x0] /tmp/target/root-file ##### End 30 CREAT (1) [0x200000402:0x10:0x0] [0x200000007:0x1:0x0] root-file rc=0 ##### ***** Start 31 CLOSE (11) [0x200000402:0x10:0x0] [0:0x0:0x0] ***** ##### End 31 CLOSE (11) [0x200000402:0x10:0x0] [0:0x0:0x0] rc=0 ##### ***** Start 32 CREAT (1) [0x200000402:0x11:0x0] [0x200000007:0x1:0x0] root-file2 ***** dest = root-file2; savedpath = root-file3 create: file moved ([0x200000402:0x11:0x0]). root-file2 != root-file3 mkfile(1) /tmp/target/.lustrerepl/[0x200000402:0x11:0x0] Syncing data and attributes [0x200000402:0x11:0x0] llistxattr(/mnt/lustre/.lustre/fid/[0x200000402:0x11:0x0],0x2052c10) returned 57, errno=0 (trusted.link,33897504) rc=0x34 lsetxattr(), rc=0, errno=0 (user.job,33897504) rc=0x7 lsetxattr(), rc=-1, errno=95 (trusted.lov,33897504) rc=0x38 lsetxattr(), rc=0, errno=95 (trusted.lma,33897504) rc=0x18 lsetxattr(), rc=0, errno=95 (lustre.lov,33897504) rc=0x38 lsetxattr(), rc=-1, errno=95 setxattr: /mnt/lustre/.lustre/fid/[0x200000402:0x11:0x0] /tmp/target/.lustrerepl/[0x200000402:0x11:0x0] ##### End 32 CREAT (1) [0x200000402:0x11:0x0] [0x200000007:0x1:0x0] root-file2 rc=0 ##### ***** Start 33 CLOSE (11) [0x200000402:0x11:0x0] [0:0x0:0x0] ***** ##### End 33 CLOSE (11) [0x200000402:0x11:0x0] [0:0x0:0x0] rc=0 ##### ***** Start 34 RENME (8) [0:0x0:0x0] [0x200000007:0x1:0x0] root-file3 ***** dest path /tmp/target///root-file3 rc_dest=0 src path /tmp/target///root-file2 rc_src=0 special src /tmp/target/.lustrerepl/[0x200000402:0x11:0x0] rename returns 0 move: /tmp/target/.lustrerepl/[0x200000402:0x11:0x0] [to] /tmp/target///root-file3 rc1=0, errno=0 ##### End 34 RENME (8) [0:0x0:0x0] [0x200000007:0x1:0x0] root-file3 rc=0 ##### ***** Start 35 CREAT (1) [0x200000402:0x12:0x0] [0x200000007:0x1:0x0] root-file4 ***** create: tfid [0x200000402:0x12:0x0] not found on source-fs ##### End 35 CREAT (1) [0x200000402:0x12:0x0] [0x200000007:0x1:0x0] root-file4 rc=0 ##### ***** Start 36 CLOSE (11) [0x200000402:0x12:0x0] [0:0x0:0x0] ***** ##### End 36 CLOSE (11) [0x200000402:0x12:0x0] [0:0x0:0x0] rc=0 ##### ***** Start 37 MKDIR (2) [0x200000402:0x13:0x0] [0x200000007:0x1:0x0] root-dir1 ***** create: tfid [0x200000402:0x13:0x0] not found on source-fs ##### End 37 MKDIR (2) [0x200000402:0x13:0x0] [0x200000007:0x1:0x0] root-dir1 rc=0 ##### ***** Start 38 UNLNK (6) [0x200000402:0x12:0x0] [0x200000007:0x1:0x0] root-file4 ***** remove: /tmp/target/.lustrerepl/[0x200000402:0x12:0x0]; rc=-2, errno=2 remove: /tmp/target///root-file4; rc1=-2, errno=2 ##### End 38 UNLNK (6) [0x200000402:0x12:0x0] [0x200000007:0x1:0x0] root-file4 rc=-2 ##### ***** Start 39 RMDIR (7) [0x200000402:0x13:0x0] [0x200000007:0x1:0x0] root-dir1 ***** remove: /tmp/target/.lustrerepl/[0x200000402:0x13:0x0]; rc=-2, errno=2 remove: /tmp/target///root-dir1; rc1=-2, errno=2 ##### End 39 RMDIR (7) [0x200000402:0x13:0x0] [0x200000007:0x1:0x0] root-dir1 rc=-2 #####