== replay-dual test 31: deadlock on file_remove_privs and occupied mod rpc slots ========================================================== 20:58:59 (1713488339) Failing ost1 on oleg440-server Stopping /mnt/lustre-ost1 (opts:) on oleg440-server 20:59:01 (1713488341) shut down Creating to objid 3201 on ost lustre-OST0000... total: 32 open/close in 0.16 seconds: 200.85 ops/second at_max=0 fail_loc=0x80001420 file /mnt/lustre2/d31.replay-dual/mdtdir/f31.replay-dual is ready Failover ost1 to oleg440-server mount facets: ost1 Starting ost1: -o localrecov /dev/mapper/ost1_flakey /mnt/lustre-ost1 seq.cli-lustre-OST0000-super.width=65536 oleg440-server: oleg440-server.virtnet: executing set_default_debug -1 all pdsh@oleg440-client: oleg440-server: ssh exited with exit code 1 Started lustre-OST0000 20:59:14 (1713488354) targets are mounted 20:59:14 (1713488354) facet_failover done oleg440-client.virtnet: executing wait_import_state_mount (FULL|IDLE) osc.lustre-OST0000-osc-[-0-9a-f]*.ost_server_uuid osc.lustre-OST0000-osc-[-0-9a-f]*.ost_server_uuid in IDLE FULL state after 0 sec pids: 18753 18754 18759 18760 18761 18762 18763 18764 18765 at_max=600