== sanity-lfsck test 9b: LFSCK speed control (2) ========= 04:50:31 (1713430231) preparing... 0 * 0 files will be created Thu Apr 18 04:50:38 EDT 2024. prepared Thu Apr 18 04:50:38 EDT 2024. Preparing another 50 * 50 files (with error) at Thu Apr 18 04:50:38 EDT 2024. fail_loc=0x1604 total: 50 mkdir in 0.06 seconds: 816.09 ops/second total: 50 create in 0.05 seconds: 970.82 ops/second fail_loc=0x160c Started LFSCK on the device lustre-MDT0000: scrub namespace fail_loc=0 Prepared at Thu Apr 18 04:50:43 EDT 2024. Started LFSCK on the device lustre-MDT0000: scrub namespace