== racer test 1: racer on clients: oleg230-client.virtnet DURATION=300 ========================================================== 10:29:50 (1713364190) racers pids: 8802 8803 ./dir_create.sh: line 1: kill: (1029) - No such process ./file_list.sh: line 1: kill: (31944) - No such process ./file_list.sh: line 1: kill: (32067) - No such process ./file_list.sh: line 1: kill: (32638) - No such process ./file_list.sh: line 1: kill: (31972) - No such process ./file_list.sh: line 1: kill: (31988) - No such process ./file_exec.sh: line 1: kill: (9021) - No such process ./file_exec.sh: line 1: kill: (8900) - No such process ./file_exec.sh: line 1: kill: (8846) - No such process ./file_exec.sh: line 1: kill: (8963) - No such process ./file_exec.sh: line 1: kill: (9089) - No such process ./file_exec.sh: line 1: kill: (9115) - No such process ./file_chmod.sh: line 1: kill: (1337) - No such process kill: usage: kill [-s sigspec | -n signum | -sigspec] pid | jobspec ... or kill -l [sigspec] ./file_mknod.sh: line 1: kill: (1394) - No such process ./file_mknod.sh: line 1: kill: (1414) - No such process ./file_mknod.sh: line 1: kill: (1405) - No such process ./file_truncate.sh: line 1: kill: (1464) - No such process ./file_truncate.sh: line 1: kill: (1467) - No such process ./file_truncate.sh: line 1: kill: (1474) - No such process ./file_truncate.sh: line 1: kill: (1494) - No such process ./file_delxattr.sh: line 1: kill: (1519) - No such process ./file_delxattr.sh: line 1: kill: (1538) - No such process ./file_getxattr.sh: line 1: kill: (1568) - No such process ./file_getxattr.sh: line 1: kill: (1565) - No such process ./file_getxattr.sh: line 1: kill: (1571) - No such process ./file_setxattr.sh: line 1: kill: (1600) - No such process ./file_setxattr.sh: line 1: kill: (1595) - No such process ./file_setxattr.sh: line 1: kill: (1588) - No such process ./file_fallocate.sh: line 1: kill: (1615) - No such process ./file_fallocate.sh: line 1: kill: (1610) - No such process ./file_fallocate.sh: line 1: kill: (1617) - No such process file_create.sh: no process found dir_create.sh: no process found file_rm.sh: no process found file_create.sh: no process found file_rename.sh: no process found dir_create.sh: no process found file_link.sh: no process found file_rm.sh: no process found file_rename.sh: no process found file_symlink.sh: no process found file_list.sh: no process found file_link.sh: no process found file_symlink.sh: no process found file_concat.sh: no process found file_list.sh: no process found file_exec.sh: no process found file_concat.sh: no process found file_chown.sh: no process found file_chmod.sh: no process found file_exec.sh: no process found file_mknod.sh: no process found file_chown.sh: no process found file_chmod.sh: no process found file_truncate.sh: no process found file_delxattr.sh: no process found file_mknod.sh: no process found file_truncate.sh: no process found file_getxattr.sh: no process found file_delxattr.sh: no process found file_setxattr.sh: no process found file_fallocate.sh: no process found file_getxattr.sh: no process found file_setxattr.sh: no process found file_fallocate.sh: no process found Running /home/green/git/lustre-release/lustre/tests/racer/racer.sh for 300 seconds. CTRL-C to exit layout: raid0 raid0 pfl pfl pfl flr flr flr sel sel sel layout: raid0 raid0 pfl pfl pfl flr flr flr sel sel sel layout: raid0 raid0 pfl pfl pfl flr flr flr sel sel sel racer cleanup sleeping 5 sec ... there should be NO racer processes: USER PID %CPU %MEM VSZ RSS TTY STAT START TIME COMMAND Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on 7542784 76800 7207936 2% /mnt/lustre2 We survived /home/green/git/lustre-release/lustre/tests/racer/racer.sh for 300 seconds. Running /home/green/git/lustre-release/lustre/tests/racer/racer.sh for 300 seconds. CTRL-C to exit layout: raid0 raid0 pfl pfl pfl flr flr flr sel sel sel layout: raid0 raid0 pfl pfl pfl flr flr flr sel sel sel layout: raid0 raid0 pfl pfl pfl flr flr flr sel sel sel racer cleanup sleeping 5 sec ... there should be NO racer processes: USER PID %CPU %MEM VSZ RSS TTY STAT START TIME COMMAND Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on 7542784 76800 7207936 2% /mnt/lustre We survived /home/green/git/lustre-release/lustre/tests/racer/racer.sh for 300 seconds. pid=8802 rc=0 pid=8803 rc=0