Iozone: Performance Test of File I/O Version $Revision: 3.483 $ Compiled for 64 bit mode. Build: linux-AMD64 Contributors:William Norcott, Don Capps, Isom Crawford, Kirby Collins Al Slater, Scott Rhine, Mike Wisner, Ken Goss Steve Landherr, Brad Smith, Mark Kelly, Dr. Alain CYR, Randy Dunlap, Mark Montague, Dan Million, Gavin Brebner, Jean-Marc Zucconi, Jeff Blomberg, Benny Halevy, Dave Boone, Erik Habbinga, Kris Strecker, Walter Wong, Joshua Root, Fabrice Bacchella, Zhenghua Xue, Qin Li, Darren Sawyer, Vangel Bojaxhi, Ben England, Vikentsi Lapa, Alexey Skidanov, Sudhir Kumar. Run began: Wed Apr 17 10:37:17 2024 Auto Mode Machine = Linux oleg146-client.virtnet 3.10.0-7.9-debug #1 SMP Sat Mar 26 23:2 Excel chart generation enabled Excel chart generation enabled Verify Mode. Pattern dbdbdbdb Performance measurements are invalid in this mode. Using maximum file size of 102400 kilobytes. Using Maximum Record Size 512 kB Command line used: iozone -a -M -R -V 0xab -g 100M -q 512k -i0 -i1 -f /mnt/lustre/d4.lustre-rsync-test/d0.iozone-oleg146-client.virtnet/iozone-file Output is in kBytes/sec Time Resolution = 0.000001 seconds. Processor cache size set to 1024 kBytes. Processor cache line size set to 32 bytes. File stride size set to 17 * record size. random random bkwd record stride kB reclen write rewrite read reread read write read rewrite read fwrite frewrite fread freread 64 4 16683 30976 621657 318502 64 8 23255 51074 901377 1033216 64 16 23137 91279 955947 1452528 64 32 25336 120493 1232453 647135 64 64 29011 167478 1599680 2467108 128 4 19568 32056 441213 340480 128 8 24060 37947 395104 425141 128 16 38519 69373 847059 948860 128 32 38184 121772 1231904 2035099 128 64 53114 152919 2132084 1911894 128 128 45567 171864 2511022 1705404 256 4 19698 24875 332036 294918 256 8 30004 56190 560172 602276 256 16 58075 101269 907792 744204 256 32 59467 116726 1040643 1274008 256 64 82584 127996 1763685 1506359 256 128 65009 167855 1686137 1532153 256 256 56899 164411 2097948 2170027 512 4 20633 31622 474917 449470 512 8 33983 53623 667582 697505 512 16 50103 77822 864942 844865 512 32 57644 137819 1045103 1011625 512 64 79378 147160 1273861 1357615 512 128 84557 144837 1282994 1662389 512 256 88553 169082 2347475 1992458 512 512 83785 170953 2007358 1961520 1024 4 22342 28609 404582 369529 1024 8 36880 55999 687766 563880 1024 16 64699 73106 815943 936782 1024 32 84768 98785 1049138 1446211 1024 64 106968 142994 1351126 2090206 1024 128 102780 175463 1519371 1556257 1024 256 111122 191724 2010935 1917562 1024 512 110990 180469 2141267 1942715 2048 4 22527 28908 354636 414496 2048 8 43137 48898 812378 735137 2048 16 58717 69093 838631 1214673 2048 32 95069 99156 1137166 1655793 2048 64 104966 142946 1302727 1292923 2048 128 132926 168157 1503891 1499428 2048 256 148159 228135 2043857 1992189 2048 512 126661 228165 1978424 1937372 4096 4 26960 31910 450953 506559 4096 8 38947 53373 903594 807901 4096 16 74413 90577 1175350 1081596 4096 32 112896 134259 1650354 1425738 4096 64 133181 169718 1928414 2085490 4096 128 162288 180709 1601881 1723189 4096 256 125390 165340 1780886 1805972 4096 512 156216 250304 1546230 1719567 8192 4 30737 32492 515480 358291 8192 8 45706 48540 631557 695825 8192 16 77409 86418 1220516 1018524 8192 32 100220 123548 1448384 1471017 8192 64 139606 168767 1672185 1562104 8192 128 128254 164434 1542745 1589418 8192 256 128572 202958 1920739 1894580 8192 512 157484 208985 1993740 2011246 16384 4 27980 31369 523837 429800 16384 8 48864 55560 809809 863171 16384 16 64282 87791 1003368 862813 16384 32 94024 112863 1392271 1347260 16384 64 116696 163995 1467304 1580673 16384 128 158401 177139 1391200 1389175 16384 256 135678 158921 1797442 1874825 16384 512 162981 206839 1887804 1831210 32768 4 28067 28135 418312 419812 32768 8 46660 49816 760458 670542 32768 16 76998 68863 959703 1006976 32768 32 102039 120675 1121384 1274426 32768 64 121640 164815 1376002 1633245 32768 128 130719 183534 1683335 1684201 32768 256 167121 162168 1798378 1830815 32768 512