== sanity test 161c: check CL_RENME[UNLINK] changelog record flags ========================================================== 05:32:12 (1713346332) mdd.lustre-MDT0000.changelog_mask=+hsm Registered 1 changelog users: 'cl25' lustre-MDT0000.500090169 08RENME 09:32:13.892767533 2024.04.17 0x1 t=[0x200002341:0x757a:0x0] j=mv.0 ef=0xf u=0:0 nid= p=[0x200002341:0x7578:0x0] bar_161c s=[0x200002341:0x7579:0x0] sp=[0x200002341:0x7578:0x0] foo_161c lustre-MDT0000: clear the changelog for cl25 of all records rename overwrite target with nlink = 1, changelog flags=0x1 lustre-MDT0000.500090175 08RENME 09:32:13.981719478 2024.04.17 0x0 t=[0x200002341:0x7579:0x0] j=mv.0 ef=0xf u=0:0 nid= p=[0x200002341:0x7578:0x0] bar_161c s=[0x200002341:0x757b:0x0] sp=[0x200002341:0x7578:0x0] foo_161c lustre-MDT0000: clear the changelog for cl25 of all records rename overwrite a target having nlink > 1, changelog record has flags of 0x0 lustre-MDT0000.500090178 08RENME 09:32:14.057669886 2024.04.17 0x0 t=[0:0x0:0x0] j=mv.0 ef=0xf u=0:0 nid= p=[0x200002341:0x7578:0x0] foo2_161c s=[0x200002341:0x757d:0x0] sp=[0x200002341:0x7578:0x0] foo_161c lustre-MDT0000: clear the changelog for cl25 of all records rename doesn't overwrite a target, changelog record has flags of 0x0 lustre-MDT0000.500090179 06UNLNK 09:32:14.129125486 2024.04.17 0x1 t=[0x200002341:0x757d:0x0] j=rm.0 ef=0xf u=0:0 nid= p=[0x200002341:0x7578:0x0] foo2_161c lustre-MDT0000: clear the changelog for cl25 of all records unlink a file having nlink = 1, changelog record has flags of 0x1 lustre-MDT0000.500090180 06UNLNK 09:32:14.203920962 2024.04.17 0x1 t=[0x200002341:0x7579:0x0] j=ln.0 ef=0xf u=0:0 nid= p=[0x200002341:0x7578:0x0] foobar_161c lustre-MDT0000.500090182 06UNLNK 09:32:14.210510873 2024.04.17 0x0 t=[0x200002341:0x757b:0x0] j=rm.0 ef=0xf u=0:0 nid= p=[0x200002341:0x7578:0x0] foobar_161c lustre-MDT0000: clear the changelog for cl25 of all records unlink a file having nlink > 1, changelog record flags '0x0' lustre-MDT0000: clear the changelog for cl25 of all records lustre-MDT0000: Deregistered changelog user #25