== sanity-hsm test 53: Opened for read file on an evicted client should not be set dirty ========================================================== 04:53:27 (1713344007) Starting copytool 'agt1' on 'oleg455-client.virtnet' with cmdline 'lhsmtool_posix --hsm-root=/tmp/arc1/sanity-hsm.test_53/ --archive-format=v2 --daemon --pid-file=/var/run/lhsmtool_posix.pid "/mnt/lustre2"' 1+0 records in 1+0 records out 1048576 bytes (1.0 MB) copied, 0.0498124 s, 21.1 MB/s Waiting 200s for 'SUCCEED' multiop /mnt/lustre/d53.sanity-hsm/f53.sanity-hsm vo_c TMPPIPE=/tmp/multiop_open_wait_pipe.6866 pdsh@oleg455-client: oleg455-client: ssh exited with exit code 5