== sanity-hsm test 50: Archive with large number of pending HSM actions ========================================================== 04:50:56 (1713343856) Filesystem Inodes IUsed IFree IUse% Mounted on 524248 1203 523045 1% /mnt/lustre total: 10000 create in 8.98 seconds: 1113.97 ops/second 10000 - unlinked 0 (time 1713343882 ; total 0 ; last 0) total: 10000 unlinks in 9 seconds: 1111.111084 unlinks/second Start Phase files_num: 10000 time: 14 - create 10000 (time 1713343901.44 total 8.87 last 1127.06) total: 20000 create in 17.79 seconds: 1124.00 ops/second - unlinked 0 (time 1713343940 ; total 0 ; last 0) - unlinked 10000 (time 1713343949 ; total 9 ; last 9) total: 20000 unlinks in 17 seconds: 1176.470581 unlinks/second Middle Phase files_num: 20000 time: 29 total: 10000 create in 8.09 seconds: 1236.54 ops/second 40000 - unlinked 0 (time 1713343984 ; total 0 ; last 0) total: 10000 unlinks in 9 seconds: 1111.111084 unlinks/second End Phase files_num: 10000 time: 17 40000 mdt.lustre-MDT0000.hsm_control=purge mdt.lustre-MDT0001.hsm_control=purge