== sanity test 160a: changelog sanity ==================== 16:23:04 (1713298984) mdd.lustre-MDT0000.changelog_mask=+hsm Registered 1 changelog users: 'cl1' lustre-MDT0000: clear the changelog for cl1 of all records verifying changelog mask mdd.lustre-MDT0000.changelog_mask=-MKDIR mdd.lustre-MDT0000.changelog_mask=-CLOSE mdd.lustre-MDT0000.changelog_mask=+MKDIR mdd.lustre-MDT0000.changelog_mask=+CLOSE verifying target fid verifying parent fid getting records for cl1 current_index: 16 ID index (idle) mask cl1 4 (2) lustre-MDT0000: clear the changelog for cl1 to record #7 verifying user clear: 4 + 3 == 7 lustre-MDT0000.12 06UNLNK 20:23:06.473163237 2024.04.16 0x1 t=[0x2000013a2:0x888:0x0] j=rm.0 ef=0xf u=0:0 nid= p=[0x2000013a2:0x883:0x0] desktop.jpg lustre-MDT0000.13 01CREAT 20:23:07.397110784 2024.04.16 0x0 t=[0x2000013a2:0x88a:0x0] j=bash.0 ef=0xf u=0:0 nid= p=[0x2000013a2:0x885:0x0] file lustre-MDT0000.14 02MKDIR 20:23:07.987146016 2024.04.16 0x0 t=[0x2000013a2:0x88b:0x0] j=mkdir.0 ef=0xf u=0:0 nid= p=[0x2000013a2:0x884:0x0] sofia lustre-MDT0000.15 13TRUNC 20:23:07.992154513 2024.04.16 0xe t=[0x2000013a2:0x88a:0x0] j=bash.0 ef=0xf u=0:0 nid= p=[0x2000013a2:0x885:0x0] lustre-MDT0000.16 11CLOSE 20:23:07.998374824 2024.04.16 0x242 t=[0x2000013a2:0x88a:0x0] j=bash.0 ef=0xf u=0:0 nid= verifying user min purge: 7 + 1 == 8 lustre-MDT0000: clear the changelog for cl1 of all records Stopping /mnt/lustre-mds1 (opts:) on oleg246-server Starting mds1: -o localrecov lustre-mdt1/mdt1 /mnt/lustre-mds1 oleg246-server: oleg246-server.virtnet: executing set_default_debug all all pdsh@oleg246-client: oleg246-server: ssh exited with exit code 1 Started lustre-MDT0000 verifying index survives MDT restart: 16 == 16 verifying users from this test are deregistered lustre-MDT0000: clear the changelog for cl1 of all records lustre-MDT0000: Deregistered changelog user #1 current_index: 16 ID index (idle) mask other changelog users; can't verify off lustre-MDT0000: changelog user 'cl1' not found