== sanityn test 103: Test size correctness with lockahead ============================================ 05:15:18 (1713258918) fail_loc=0x415 fail_loc=0x415 fail_val=2 Incorrect size expected (no glimpse fix): Starting test test23 at 1713258918 lockahead_test: lockahead_test.c:1186: test23: assertion 'sb.st_size == sb2.st_size' failed: size on /mnt/lustre/d103.sanityn/f103.sanityn and /mnt/lustre2/d103.sanityn/f103.sanityn differs: 0 vs 1048576 fail_loc=0 fail_loc=0x214 fail_val=2 Starting test test23 at 1713258921 Finishing test test23 at 1713258921 Resetting fail_loc on all nodes...done. 05:15:23 (1713258923) waiting for oleg248-server network 5 secs ... 05:15:23 (1713258923) network interface is UP